Nordisk Aktuarservice ApS

Nordisk Aktuarservice, offers actuarial consulting services and risk management, through analyses and solutions tailored for the individual client.

Nordisk Aktuarservice ApS

Nordisk Aktuarservice ApS was founded in 2006. We are based in the centre of Copenhagen from where we work throughout Scandinavia. If required we also provide actuarial services to international clients.

We specialize in risk management and actuarial scientific consulting to private companies, the state, regions, and municipalities. We provide professional advice and offer tailored solutions relating to non-life insurance and reinsurance. Nordisk Aktuarservice ApS guides insurance companies safely through the implementation of IFRS 17 as well as through the process of implementing the mandatory risk management system, Solvency II. We handle all actuarial tasks involved in setting up a captive, assists through the ORSA (Own Risk and Solvency Assessment) process and offers tariff-related services and the implementation of new premium models.

Contact info

Klaus Krøier

+45 35 35 54 62

+45 20 51 54 62

Noerre Voldgade 9, 1. th.

1358 Copenhagen K.